An ambitious new technology hub of high-tech innovation, business incubation and data center cloud services will help transform Saudi Arabia from a resource-based economy to a technology opportunity orientation.
Jacobs serves as designer and program manager for Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) leading a team including Microsoft and Dimension Data to create a greenfield technology hub on approximately 41,000 square meters (10 acres) of land to provide training and certification for Saudi citizens to support the country’s growing demand for high-technology talent.
The project includes an end-to-end data center and creative site, building, facility and IT solutions including 'smart security' and 'smart building management' technologies. The project’s end-to-end delivery structure will include software, hardware, networks and storage in addition to design of the hub’s site and multiple buildings.
It will also have an Innovation Center providing training academies to facilitate on-the-job training for the Kingdom’s youth after graduation from college. The Joint Development Center allows collaboration between Kingdom’s talent and major high tech providers worldwide to create IT solutions for the Saudi market. The Convention Center and state-of-the-art kitchen and cafeteria allow Sinnovate to host technical conventions, seminars and lectures from international experts.
41000 sqm land
of land
4800 sqm
Innovation Center for on-the-job training for the Kingdom’s youth after college graduation
3900 sqm
Joint Development Center with Class A office space
person auditorium, plus meeting and video conferencing rooms and administration spaces
“The concept for the design started with a dream the client described in our first meeting. We used that to inspire an idea about the powerful transforming properties of water, especially in a desert environment, and from there developed a story from which we were able to generate forms, relationships and materials to create an unexpected oasis in a harsh environment.”
As program manager, we're leading a team including Microsoft and Dimension Data to provide IT solutions and enterprise architecture for a technology hub including hardware, software and networking. We're also providing data center and site building facility solutions including 'smart security' and 'smart building management' technologies.
- An ambitious new technology hub of high-tech innovation, business incubation and Data Center Cloud Services envisioned as a vehicle to help transform Saudi Arabia from a resource-based economy to a technology opportunity orientation.
- Data Center Design includes an “Enterprise Data Center” and a “Commercial Data Center,” each featuring a hybrid combination of traditional and modular space capable of supporting approximately 3.0 MW of IT power.
- Smart security technologies provide solid strategies for physical security and cyber security are high priorities for multi-building campus environments such as this engaged in a variety of “mission critical” advanced technology activities.
- Smart building technologies support the project’s “end to end” delivery structure, which includes software, hardware, networks and storage in addition to design of the hub’s multiple buildings.
Community impact
The Sinnovate Technology Hub is part of Saudia’s ambitious grand vision of providing training to Saudi new graduates to become future technology leaders to support business, research and academic needs in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding region – using an approach that Saudia describes as a best-in-class program unprecedented in the industry.
Transforming a nation’s economic and cultural destiny with a 'smart technology hub'
Jacobs rises to a nation’s challenge to help enrich the diversity of Saudi Arabia’s economic future to a new era of technology focus
The Sinnovate Technology Hub is part of an ambitious grand vision to train new Saudi Arabian graduates to become future technology leaders supporting business, research, and academic needs in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding region. This greenfield technology hub will sit on approximately 41,000 square meters (10 acres) of land to provide training and certification for Saudi citizens to support the growing demand for high-technology talent.
At its site in King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) about 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of Jeddah, this project is a landmark step forward in the inspired journey to help Saudi Arabia face changes in the global economy. Jacobs' skills are helping fulfill this vision by creating a vibrant ecosystem of data management, post graduate education and a high-tech business incubator. The sprawling Sinnovate Technology Hub complex is unified by flexible collaborative spaces, and an intensive focus on technology and environmental performance with subtle references to Saudi culture.
The project’s many high-tech features include data center and site building facility solutions including 'smart security' and 'smart building management' technologies to offer best-in-class data center and cloud services to businesses locating at KAEC. The project’s end-to-end delivery structure will include software, hardware, networks and storage in addition to design of the hub’s multiple buildings.
The hub will consist of two data centers and an administration building (approximately 7,300 square meters [78,500 square feet]) excluding the 'white space' for both the Enterprise Data Center and a Commercial Data Center, each featuring a hybrid combination of traditional and modular space capable of supporting approximately 3.0 megawatts of IT power.
It will also have an Innovation Center (approximately 6,800 square meters [71,000 square feet]) containing training academies to provide on-the-job training for the Kingdom’s youth after graduation from college. This will be the site’s flagship building including classrooms, laboratories, study space, a 200-person auditorium, meeting and video conferencing rooms and administration spaces.
This project epitomizes the realization of a 'big idea' – redefining a nation’s economic and cultural future – through a sensitive understanding of Saudia’s needs and application of a variety of strategic planning, design and management skills.